These are the steps you should expect in preparation for Bariatric surgery:
Preoperative Preparation
1. Laboratory analysis
2. Pre-surgical procedures
- Chest X-rays (Pa / Lateral)
- Echocardiogram
- Abdominal Sonography
- Electrocardiogram
- Thyroid Sonography
- Diagnostic Gastroscopy / Biopsy
- Spirometry
3. Pre-surgical evaluations
- Anesthesiology
- Cardiovascular
- Endocrinology
- Psychiatry
- Pneumology
Recovery and Follow-up
Postoperative follow-up should include surgical and nutritional evaluations at least every 6 months, and more frequently if necessary, for the first 2 postoperative years and at least annually thereafter. Even if patients experience remission of diabetes, monitoring of glycemic control should continue at the same frequency recommended for patients with prediabetes due to the potential for relapse. Long-term monitoring of micronutrient status, nutritional supplements and support should be provided to patients after surgery, according to national guidelines and international societies.
After surgery, the patient will be followed periodically by a multidisciplinary team that includes surgeons, endocrinologists-nutritionists, psychiatrists and general practitioners. The follow-up by specialists from different areas of health allows us a much more complete approach and is one of the factors that undoubtedly contribute to the success of our patients. Post-operative consultations are carried out weekly during the first month, biweekly in the second month, then monthly until the 6th month, every 6 months until 2 years and then annually.